Welcome to the CARBONATED BEVERAGE section of  Karen’s Selections, a trusted list of healthy products personally approved of by Holistic Nutritionist Karen Roth.  In fact, these are products that we use!  Click on the picture to visit company website.



Steaz is the best-selling brand of organic / fair trade green tea based beverages and energy drinks across North America.  Zero calories.



 zevia_logo500 Zevia.  The original Stevia sweetened soda.  





GTs Organic KombuchaGT’s Organic Raw Kombucha.  16 fl. oz. Living food for the living body. Enzymes + probiotics + detoxifiers. Reawaken; rethink; retain; reactive; relive; rebirth; repurpose; rebuild; reclaim; restart.





reviveRevive Kombucha is made in Sonoma County and is delicious and refreshing.  They take pride in their bottle exchange program!




Honest-Fizz-150x150Honest Fizz is a delicious, naturally sweetened soda with zero calories and zero sugars.  Crafted by the folks at Honest Tea, makers of the nation’s top selling organic bottled tea.