Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

Your Anxiety, Iirritability and Anger May Be Hormone Related

If Anxiety, Irritability or Anger has taken over your personality, you’re not alone.  Many women with hormone imbalances experience these feelings.  When Estrogen levels drop, or wildly fluctuate, the diameter of a woman’s blood vessels can change and that can result in the feeling of anxiety.  When experiencing decreased levels of Progesterone, irritability often arises. Likewise, when a woman has Testosterone deficiency, anxiety is often the result along with fear and social withdrawal.  On the reverse side, an excess of Testosterone may result in intolerance to stress and a tendency to jump to anger.

For many women, these symptoms are straining their personal relationships; interrupting day-to-day life and making them feel like they don’t know who they are anymore.  Many doctors are quick to prescribed anti-anxiety, anti-depressant or other mood altering medications to alleviate symptoms. Unfortunately for many, these drugs only mask the symptom and end up not getting to the root of the problem.

Whether you are Woman experiencing issues of anxiety, irritability or anger, or a Man who is dealing with these issues with your wife or loved one, chances are I can help.  I often wonder how many separations are the direct result of hormone imbalance.  Some clients have told me I saved their marriages.  Others site drastic improvements in relationships with their children, friends and family.  Bottom line is help is available.

So, how are you to know if your hormones are in balance? There is a very simple and accurate saliva test I offer to my clients, which, when analyzed by the lab, produces a clear picture of what’s going on.  If a problem is identified, I then work with my clients on an individual basis to balance their system, not with drugs, but naturally.  Sometimes adjustments are as simple as slight changes in diet.  Other times, it’s a little more involved.  Either way, the end result can be life changing.

Over the years I have helped hundreds of women overcome hormone imbalance the safe and natural way.  If you are having issues, chances are I can help. For more information on these services, click here.

To learn more about safe and natural options for alleviating symptoms of hormone imbalance, and other health conditions, contact Karen Roth at 818-400-5410 or visit www.KarenRothNutrition.com Offices in Carlsbad, Sorrento Valley and Mission Valley in San Diego.

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