Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

What May be Behind Your Anxiety

With the Coronavirus, Politics and Stock Market dive all happening at once, it’s no wonder everyone is feeling a bit stressed out and anxious. Uncertainties such as these can play havoc with your health, at a time when you need your body’s defenses to be as strong as possible.  Other factors may also be contributing to your Anxiety include deficiencies in Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids.   Here are just a few examples:  Magnesium – Deficiency can induce anxiety and emotional hyper-reactivity. Copper – Anxiety-like behavior may be exacerbated with copper deficiency. Choline – Low levels are linked to anxiety.  Inositol – A neurochemical messenger in the brain, Inositol has been shown in trials to be very effective in reducing panic attacks.    So, how do you know for sure if you have a deficiency?  I offer my clients  a very accurate Micronutrient Test that uncovers deficiencies. Once the problem areas are identified, I then put a plan together to get the body back in balance. Not only does the Micronutrient Test measure vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it can measure your anti-oxidant levels and shows the strength of your immune system. It also looks at how well you metabolize carbohydrates. Click HERE to view a portion of a sample report. Upon request, I can email you a full copy of the report.
The Micronutrient Test is $290 (no mark-up). Once your results are available, we will then work together, either in-person or remotely, to remedy the issues. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.  I’m here to help!

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