Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

This Disease Effects 1 in 10 Women Worldwide. Are You One of Them?

Endometriosis is a painful disease that affects 176 million women worldwide… that’s 1 in 10 women! Most of these women don’t even know they have it.

Many women suffer from the symptoms of Endo, unaware of its cause. On average a woman will see 6-8 doctors in a period of 8-10 years before getting an accurate diagnosis.

And, when Endometriosis is diagnoses, it’s often accompanied by “treatment” recommendations including giving birth or having a hysterectomy, both of which are not a cure.

I am proud to say that I was interviewed along with with a number of womens’ health experts for the recently released documentary, “Endo What?”

In today’s featured article, you will find my 4 minute interview. Whether you or someone you know suffers with Endo, the information I share in the interview about toxins is of value to everyone!

Please share this important information. Most likely you know, or don’t know you know, someone who’s dealing with these issues.

Symptoms of endometriosis can include any of the following

Endometriosis is a body-wide disease that occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is found elsewhere in the body causing pain, organ dysfunction and/or infertility. While no one definitively knows the cause, theories include genetics, stem cells and blood & lymph system distribution. Inflammation is a key factor and certain environmental toxins have been linked. There is no cure. However, with the right information & resources girls and women can take actionable steps to lead healthy, vibrant lives.

Click on the photo below to play a 4 minute video.


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