Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

The Dangerous Truth About Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

In July 2002, the Women’s Health Initiative study, a clinical trial designed to determine if Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was beneficial to healthy women, was halted 5 years and 2 months into the 8 year study due to serious safety concerns.  The study concluded that the combination of estrogen and progestins posed a significant health risk to women and that any benefits from HRT were not worth the side effects. The study found a 41% increase in the risk of stroke, a 29% increase in the risk of heart attack, a doubled risk of blood clots, a 22% increase in cardiovascular disease and a 26% increase in the risk of invasive breast cancer.  Despite these statistics, many health practitioners continue to prescribe HRT.

Drug companies can no longer deny the science: Breast cancer risk is doubled for women who take conventional HRT drugs.  That’s the conclusion of a new study conducted at Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. There, researchers discovered that even though HRT drugs double a woman’s risk of breast cancer, that risk drops rapidly once she stops using the HRT drugs.

The outcome of these trials has forever changed the way we look at HRT.  The good thing is you do have alternatives for alleviating the symptoms of menopause that are safe and natural.  If you are tired of being treated like one of the herd, and are seeking a natural alternative, I encourage you to give me a call so we can discuss your options.  Every woman experiences different symptoms and should be cared for on an individual basis with one to one therapy that is not rushed or brushed off as something that will pass.  Sure, prescriptions are sometimes an easy fix, but ask yourself, are you willing to subject yourself to the potential health risks including increased risk of cancer?

For more information on saliva testing and safe hormone balancing, click here.

To learn more about safe and natural options for alleviating symptoms of hormone imbalance, and other health conditions, contact Karen Roth at 818-400-5410 or visit www.KarenRothNutrition.com Offices in Carlsbad, Sorrento Valley and Mission Valley in San Diego.

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