Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

Cancer Prevention

For more on Cancer Prevention Click HERE

Statistics show that approximately 1in 7 women will get breast cancer. Most women dont realize they are exposed to something daily that increases their risk and thats estrogen mimics.

Science shows that estrogen can cause cancer cells to grow. Researchers stumbled upon something interesting while studying cancers cultured in plastic petri dishes, and that was that these cancers grew even without added estrogen. The phthalates that leach out of plastic are potent estrogen mimics. We called these Xenoestrogens or external estrogens. This compound can cause cancer cells to grow where in other instances they would stay dormant.

These estrogen mimics are found in plastic bottles that hold all types of beverages from milk to water. Also found in plastic wraps that cover your foods.

We will also be exposed to other estrogen mimics from non organic meat and dairy products from animals given growth hormones. And numerous pesticides used on our crops also have estrogen like activity.

Steps you can take to reduce your exposure:

1.Stop drinking beverages from plastic
2.Don’t microwave any food in plastic containers
3.Wrap food in parchment paper before plastic or aluminum foil, so these don’t touch food.
4.Over time replace your plastic storage container with pyrex glass containers
5.Use stainless steel or wooden utensils for cooking
6.Buy organic produce to avoid pesticides
7.Avoid body care products that contain parabens
8.Eat at least 1 serving a day of cruciferous vegetables. They help detoxify the body of harmful chemicals and can supercharge our healthy estrogen to prevent cancer. Some examples of the cruciferous vegetables include:

bok choy
brussels sprouts
Collard Greens
mustard greens
turnip root

For local organic produce delivery in parts of CA, click here.
If none of these vegetables appeal to you, then consider supplementation with naturally occurring compounds found in cruciferous vegetables. Click here to learn more.

Statistics show that approximately 1in 7 women will get breast cancer. Most women dont realize they are exposed to something daily that increases their risk and thats estrogen mimics.

Science shows that estrogen can cause cancer cells to grow. Researchers stumbled upon something interesting while studying cancers cultured in plastic petri dishes, and that was that these cancers grew even without added estrogen. The phthalates that leach out of plastic are potent estrogen mimics. We called these Xenoestrogens or external estrogens. This compound can cause cancer cells to grow where in other instances they would stay dormant.

These estrogen mimics are found in plastic bottles that hold all types of beverages from milk to water. Also found in plastic wraps that cover your foods.

We will also be exposed to other estrogen mimics from non organic meat and dairy products from animals given growth hormones. And numerous pesticides used on our crops also have estrogen like activity.

Steps you can take to reduce your exposure:

1.Stop drinking beverages from plastic
2.Don’t microwave any food in plastic containers
3.Wrap food in parchment paper before plastic or aluminum foil, so these don’t touch food.
4.Over time replace your plastic storage container with pyrex glass containers
5.Use stainless steel or wooden utensils for cooking
6.Buy organic produce to avoid pesticides
7.Avoid body care products that contain parabens
8.Eat at least 1 serving a day of cruciferous vegetables. They help detoxify the body of harmful chemicals and can supercharge our healthy estrogen to prevent cancer. Some examples of the cruciferous vegetables include:

bok choy
brussels sprouts
Collard Greens
mustard greens
turnip root
If none of these vegetables appeal to you, then consider supplementing with Indole-3 Carbinole which is a naturally occurring compound found in cruciferous vegetables. You can find it here http://store01.prostores.com/servlet/…

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