Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

How to Drink More Water

Everyone knows they need to drink water. Some of us have no problem with this but others struggle with it. And, not drinking enough water can have health consequences!

So, how much water is enough? What can you do to increase your water intake? Should you choose bottled water or tap? Do certain foods count towards your daily water intake? Surprisingly yes!

The body is dependent on adequate hydration. Water regulates your body temperature, lubricates your joints, removes waste and supports your metabolism.

We water our plants and our lawns, so why are so many of us dehydrated because we fail to water ourselves? You may not even know it, but this could very well be the reason you experience foggy brain, irritability, a feeling of being dragged down, or can’t explain why you’re in a bad mood.

A good rule of thumb on how much water to drink is to take your body weight and divide it by 2. That is the amount of ounces you need to drink daily. So, a 140 pound person would need 70 ounces of water intake daily. However, if you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, have a couple of glasses of wine or cocktails, work outside or exercise, you need to consume ever more water.

Okay, so what if you hate drinking water? Here’s one solution for you. Eat more foods with high water content. Hydrating foods include:

Coffee and tea do not count towards your daily intake unless it’s herbal and decaf.

Tips for increasing water intake:


I hope these tips on water consumption are helpful. Never underestimate the role water intake plays in your overall health!

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