Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

Hormone Imbalance Can Lead to Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Even Cancer

When you think of hormone imbalance, you often think of symptoms such as cramps, mood swings, night sweats and fatigue.  But, what you may not realize is that hormone imbalance over an extended period of time can result in serious long term health conditions, some of which can be debilitating.

So, what risks do women face with imbalanced hormones?  For a woman with low Estrogen levels, she increases her risk for osteoporosis and heart disease.  If she has high Testosterone levels, she increases her risk of endometrial cancer and blood sugar disorders.  Throw the two together, low Estrogen levels with high Testosterone and she doubles her risk of heart disease.  And that’s just the beginning.

Women tend to have a high tolerance for mental and physical pain and, as a result, we learn to move through discomfort by ignoring warning signs, sometimes for years.  True, many of our mothers dealt with menopause problems, as well as our grandmothers, but it’s important to keep in mind that today we have much greater insight and knowledge into the potential health risks of ignoring hormonal imbalance.  Hormone imbalance is nothing to take lightly.

There are many combinations of low and high levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone which can result in a number of health risks.  Even if you can live with the discomfort, knowing your hormone levels can be the first step in helping reduce your risk of disease.  And, it’s important to note that hormone imbalance can occur at any stage a woman’s life, from her early teens where she may be exhibiting signs of extreme moodiness, to mid-life years where depression and discomfort become a way of life.

So, now the question is, how are you to know if your hormones are in balance?  There is a very simple and accurate saliva test I offer to my clients, which, when analyzed by the lab, produces a clear picture of what’s going on.  If a problem is identified, I then work with my clients on an individual basis to balance their system, not with drugs, but naturally.  Sometimes adjustments are as simple as slight changes in diet.  Other times, it’s a little more involved.  Either way, the end result can be life changing. For more information on these services, click here.

To learn more about safe and natural options for alleviating symptoms of hormone imbalance, and other health conditions, contact Karen Roth at 818-400-5410 or visit www.KarenRothNutrition.com Offices in Carlsbad, Sorrento Valley and Mission Valley in San Diego.

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