Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist


If you are experiencing 50% of the symptoms in any category, you may have a Hormone Imbalance.








Did you answer yes to 50% in any category? Continue Here:

Karen will get back to you shortly meanwhile check out this video What You Need To Know About Hormone Imbalance“I found Karen online after feeling frustrated with my primary care physician’s recommendations for my hormonal imbalance/PCOS symptoms. Karen has helped me tremendously in healing and working through my hormonal issues. She has not only helped with providing important and helpful information about my specific case, she has also provided support in dealing with an issue that my doctors have said there are no real solutions for. Karen provides great information and advice on how to balance your body naturally through diet and supplements as opposed to modern Western medicine, which had shown to not be effective in my particular situation. I would highly recommend Karen to anyone who is struggling with PCOS/hormonal imbalance issues and who is looking for healthy and natural alternatives to healing their body.”
“I didn’t know nutritionists like this existed! For well over a year I haven’t felt well. I was getting ready to meet with my doc when Karen suggested I send over last year’s blood test results to her. Karen did a blood chemistry analysis on everything through this cool software. The results showed potential problem areas and Karen equipped me with questions to ask my doc and tests to request. Karen also analyzed my most recent blood tests and put the data side by side to analyze trends. Based on the test results, Karen also provided me with Vitamin B and D supplements as my Vit D level was quite low (which the doc wouldn’t have tested for if it were not for Karen!)”Click here to read what Karen’s Raving Fans have to say.

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