Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

Cancer Prevention Tips

Cancer is out of control.  Statistics show that 1 in 7 women will get breast cancer.  Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men in the U.S., 7% of those individuals will die within 5 years.  So, what causes all this cancer?  One of the big culprits is daily exposure to products that are estrogen mimickers and hormone disrupters.

Science shows us that one of the key triggers that causes cancer cells to grow is estrogen.  Phthalates that leach out of plastic, also known as Xenoestrogens or external estrogens, are potent estrogen mimickers.  This compound can cause cancer cells to grow where in other instances they would stay dormant.

These estrogen mimickers are found in plastic bottles that hold all types of beverages, from milk to water.  They’re also found in plastic wraps that cover our food.   Another way we’re being exposed to estrogen mimickers is through consumption of non-organic meat and dairy products from animals given growth hormones.  Pesticides used on our crops also have estrogen-like activity.  And what about body care products?  You bet!  Shampo, soap, lotion and cosmetics often contain parabens that have been linked to cancer.

Another important hormone disrupter you need to know about is Triclosan, which can elevate Testosterone levels… and not in a good way.  Triclosan is found in products labeled “antibacterial” or “antifungal.”  Yes, that includes hand soap, toothpaste, dish soap, and those nasty hand wipes that everyone is drawn to at the grocery store to wipe down the grocery cart handles.  You may not think that raising testosterone would be a bad thing, since it’s linked to libido, but it’s also linked to blood sugar imbalances that can lead to diabetes and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) which can lead to weight gain and infertility.

I know all this information can be a bit of a downer, however, here are some steps you can take to reduce your exposure to these cancer-causing chemicals:

  1. Avoid eating and drinking foods and beverages from plastic and styrofoam containers.  Steam leaches the chemicals directly into your food.
  2. Avoid microwaving any food in plastic containers.
  3. Wrap food in parchment paper before wrapping in plastic or aluminum foil, so these don’t touch food.
  4. Replace your plastic storage containers with Pyrex glass containers.
  5. Use stainless steel or wooden utensils for cooking.
  6. Buy organic produce to avoid pesticides.  (Visit theResources page of my website for a list of what produce to buy organic – the Dirty Dozen list)
  7. Avoid body care products that contain Parabens, Synthetic Fragrance, and Triclosan.  (Look up your body care products to see if any ingredient is an Endocrine Disrupter or a Carcinogen at www.ewg.org/skindeep)
  8. Get your Vitamin D levels tested and aim for a score of 80-100 but do not go over 100.  Having proper Vitamin D levels can significantly reduce your cancer risk.  Note: Keep levels below 100!
  9. Eat at least 1 serving a day of cruciferous vegetables. They help detoxify the body of harmful chemicals and can supercharge our healthy estrogen to prevent cancer. Some examples of cruciferous vegetables include:  arugula, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli rabe, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radish, rutabaga, turnip root, and water cress

To learn more about safe and natural options for alleviating symptoms of hormone imbalance, and other health conditions, contact Karen Roth at 818-400-5410 or visit www.KarenRothNutrition.com Offices in Carlsbad, Sorrento Valley and Mission Valley in San Diego.

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