Karen Roth San Diego Nutritionist

Asthma Linked to Hormone Replacement Therapy

According to a new study published in the British Medical Journal, women on estrogen-only Hormone Replacement Therapy have a 54% higher risk of developing Asthma after menopause.

The findings, from the major study involving almost 58,000 women over a 12 year period, add to growing body evidence suggesting a link between HRT and Asthma.  This new information is yet more indication that Estrogen drugs that are synthetically created are nothing like the hormones our body creates.

The use of synthetic hormones has dropped sharply in recent years, ever since the Women’s Health Initiative study of 2002 found an increased risk of Ovarian Cancer, Breast Cancer, Strokes and other health problems in women on hormone replacement therapy.

The Women’s Health Initiative study, a clinical trial designed to determine if Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) was beneficial to healthy women, was halted 5 years and 2 months into the 8 year study due to serious safety concerns for the participants.  The study concluded that the combination of estrogen and progesterone posed a significant health risk to women and that any benefits from HRT were not worth the side effects.  The outcome of these trials has forever changed the way we look at HRT.

If you are currently on HRT or considering it, it’s important for you to weigh the  potential risk versus benefits of this treatment.  It is also important for you to know that you do have safe and natural alternatives for alleviating the symptoms and discomfort brought on by menopause.

If you are struggling with effects of hormone imbalance, I strongly encourage you to call me so we can discuss your options.

To learn more about safe and natural options for alleviating symptoms of hormone imbalance, and other health conditions, contact Karen Roth at 818-400-5410 or visit www.KarenRothNutrition.com Offices in Carlsbad, Sorrento Valley and Mission Valley in San Diego.

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